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Coding is Fun and it's an artistic tool

to visualize your big thoughts

or hack on your tiny ideas

Hacking is not about breaking into computers or FaceBook accounts

It's about building things

ps: this presentation


* not ordinary PowerPoint slides :p
The official Glider symbol adopted by the Hacker community
What is Hacking ?

The person who is consistently engaging in hacking activities, and has accepted hacking as a lifestyle and philosophy of their choice, is called a hacker

The Hacker Attitude


Basic Hacking Skills!

Linux Philosophy!

Open Source - Definition
  • Owners of Proprietary Softwares closely guard their Source code, and thus cannot be modified by anyone except them

  • On the contrary Open Source softwares means, the source code of the software is OPEN to general public

  • Source Code is made open so that people too can contribute to the development of software

  • History

    Richard Matthew Stallman RMS

    The Founder FSF and GPL

    Many flavors of Linux

    Who Uses Linux ??

  • Almost all Hackers rely on linux

  • Almost all Supercomputers runs on Linux

  • online retailer recently switched entirely to Linux and saved 17 million Dollars

  • Google, the most popular search engine on the web, runs on a cluster of over 1000 Linux servers

  • Wikipedia runs on linux since its birth and has shifted to Ubuntu since 2008

  • NYSE runs on linux

  • Driving Factor


    is coding really that Fun?

    How to Teach yourself to code
    There are 10 kinds of people
    Those who understand binary and those who don't
    Chosing a Programing Language

    How about WebApplications ?
    There’s a temptation for programmers to say
    “Start with PHP or Java”
    They say this because:

    IGNORE them

    With those languages, you’ll spend MONTHS learning the basics so that you can do this:

    Front developer path

    1. Learn HTML

    2. Learn CSS

    3. Learn JavaScript

    4. Learn Node

    5. Learn one DB(MongoDB)

    6. Learn Frontend fromework

    7. Learn git

    8. Learn tools

    9. Build projects some ideas

    10. create portfolio(github profile)

    11. Join the open source community

    12. Understand the Role

    Once you get the grip on the language!

    Try implementing algorithms in your text book

    Heck, Even design one of your own

    Get involved with some open source project and contribute back to community

    Go to

    One of the many places to kill time !

    do you know what Facebook ask at interviews*?

    *solve puzzles and design algo ;)
    Beautiful Strings!

    Given a string s, little Johnny defined the beauty of the string as the sum of the beauty of the letters in it. The beauty of each letter is an integer between 1 and 26, inclusive, and no two letters have the same beauty. Johnny doesn't care about whether letters are uppercase or lowercase, so that doesn't affect the beauty of a letter.

    You're a student writing a report on the youth of this famous hacker. You found the string that Johnny considered most beautiful. What is the maximum possible beauty of this string?

    Sample Input
  • 5
  • ABbCcc
  • Good luck in the Facebook Hacker Cup this year!
  • Ignore punctuation, please :)
  • Sometimes test cases are hard to make up.
  • So I just go consult Professor Dalves
  • Sample Output
  • Case #1: 152
  • Case #2: 754
  • Case #3: 491
  • Case #4: 729
  • Case #5: 646
  • the only limit is your imagination


    I am Rahul Gaur

    Write to me

    I Blog @

    • impress.js
      • For creating such an awesome framework
    • Eric Steven Raymond
      • Refered his post How to Become A Hacker
    • Linux and the GNU Foundation
    • PingDom for infographics and stats
    • simplyScroll jQuery plugin for *THIS*

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    Use a spacebar or arrow keys to navigate